[feat][ROS] Add new translation constraint for the wheel encoder
Add an optional direction information to the wheel odometer constraint
- A new 3D Ceres residual is added for the wheel encoder
- A new constraint is added in external sensors
- The parameters interfaces are created in the slam manager and in ROS wrapper
Commands to reproduce the results
catkin build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
- Change the parameters :
enable: true # [bool] To receive and use a wheel encoder (distance measurement)
relative: true # [bool] To set the constraint from reference or from previous frame
weight: 100. # [float] Weight to apply onto the wheel encoder constraint in the front end optimization
saturation_distance: 0.5 # [m] Spatial distance threshold to discard the measurement in SLAM optimization
reference: [0., 0., 0.] # [m, m, m] Reference point for the odometry measure
# Do not set if relative mode is true, [0.,0.,0.] deactivates the feature
direction: [0.96592582628, 0, -0.2588190451] # [m, m, m] Direction on which the odometry is measured
# [0.,0.,0.] deactivates the feature: the residual will be 1D
Note : the direction was derived approximately looking at the data. The direction of motion changes during the acquisition in these data.
roslaunch lidar_slam slam_ouster.launch outdoor:=false aggregate:=true
rosbag play --clock -d 2 path/to/bag.bag /wire_converted:=wheel_odom
What remains to solve
Test on real data (with good motion direction)
Edited by Julia Sanchez