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[feat] Improve confidence estimators

Julia Sanchez requested to merge feat/ImproveConfidenceEstimators into master
  • Clean/Refact confidence estimators
  • Add failure detector fusioning confidence estimators, 3 errors are tracked :
    • Missing degree of liberty case : check position covariance + motion corruption OR missing edges
    • Divergence, big failure case : check repeated motion corruption or repeated lack of matches
    • Bad local minimum : check if there is an overlap gap and a motion corruption
  • In wrappings :
    • If a failure is detected, a recovery mode is enabled with parameters tuned for big motion and map are fixed.
    • Then, the overlap and position covariance are checked to decide if the pose has been retrieved
      • If the pose has been retrieved, the recovery mode is turned off and the old parameters are resetted
  • Some commits refer to minor fixes/refact

Here is a demo video of LV working.


Edited by Julia Sanchez

Merge request reports