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[ROS][feat] Add aggregation node

Julia Sanchez requested to merge ROS/feat/AddNodeToAggregateFrames into master
  • For now, the SLAM was outputting a pose and a map at each timestamp but not the aggregated frames
  • An optional node aggregation is added to package lidar_slam to aggregate the points using registered Lidar scans outputted by lidar_slam_node
  • A voxel grid is used to downsample the cloud.
  • The new node has 3 parameters :
    • leaf_size : size of a voxel
    • max_size : max width of the voxel grid and so of the output cloud
    • min_points_per_voxel : min number of frames per voxel to consider the voxel contains a static object (moving objects rejection)
  • A service is supplied to save the pointcloud on disk
  • The new node can be run using the launch files with a parameter
Edited by Julia Sanchez

Merge request reports
