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CI development for the superbuild

Pierre Dellenbach requested to merge dev_ci into master

Initial Gitlab CI script for this Superbuild.

The integration steps operate in two sequential stages: First the superbuild stage is performed (all dependencies are installed locally using the script) and is now performed for each commit, on any branch.

Additionally, and only for branches dev, master and dev_ci, a new stage install-ci is introduced, which installs the superbuild at a different location on disk: ($ROOT_CI_DIR/INSTALLATION_DIRECTORIES/<branch_name>/install).

The idea behind it, is to update the superbuild for each of these branches.

These Superbuilds will be used by other projects CI(s) pipelines (e.g. SlamCore, RosCore, etc...).

So all these projects should have consistent branches (ie the dev branch of SlamCore should use the branch dev of the Superbuild, CT-ICP's idem, etc...

Edited by Pierre Dellenbach

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