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  • Ethan Brodsky's avatar
    ENH: Modified vtkCornerAnnotation testing to improve code coverage · be1c1688
    Ethan Brodsky authored
    Modified TestCornerAnnotation to test a larger subset of
    vtkCornerAnnotation's behavior.  Switched from showing annotations
    over polygonal geometry to over a image, allowing for testing of
    the window/level and slice display functionality.  As a future
    enhancement, may want to try annotating over a 3D image to fully
    test the slice number substitutions.  Remaining uncovered code is
    primarily in the readback/copy/clear routines and some of the text
    sizing. Had to add vtkImageSources to the module.cmake/TEST_DEPENDS
    for Rendering/Annotation in order to use a canned image source -
    this could be avoided by generating an image from scratch.