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ENH/REFAC: Default to 0 angle bend constraints, provide parameter in enableBendConstraints

Adds restLength0 bool param to enableBendConstraint.

enableBendConstraint(const double stiffness, const int stride, const bool restLength0 = true)

This makes lines default to bend constraint that unfold completely. This would be the case for all suture threads. And I imagine most all use cases (but not all). Fixes the staggering on the suture example.

This also fixes the iterations in the example. It was using PbdModel::PbdConfig::m_iterations which only refers to the iteration count of the constraints in the PbdModel. To alter the constraints in the PbdCollisionSolver we need do so in the interaction. (also yes we should have a setCollisionIterations, but this will change in upcoming shared PbdModel MR). Internal iterations were lowered to 1, since sequentially solved line segments are a special case for which convergence is garunteed (when solved in order from to back).

Edited by Andrew Wilson

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