REFAC: Collision fixes & Integration Testing
- Refactors visual testing to provide a useable environment for testing/developing simulation code.
- Provides VisualTesting target, a common area for shared testing code among visual tests. Similar to our Testing target.
- VisualTesting depends on Testing
- Bounds & min displacement assertions for vertices.
- Provides VisualTestManager class. Similar to a SimulationManager but a test fixture. Very similar to RenderTest & other such classes which kept cropping up. Now put into one. Is it not only a fixture, but provides some very simple bits to aid in development/debugging of a simulation test case that was causing developers to use examples instead of tests.
- Uses a runFor function that is meant to terminate after specified amount of time. Can also specify dt.
- If any key is pressed, the test timer is paused and the user can investigate/interact.
- 1, 2, 3 can advance at 0.05, 0.01, 0.001 respectively.
- Extensive testing for PbdObjectCollision in SceneVisualTests (partly moved from examples)
- All possible collision demonstrated.
- One disabled test added. Should work but has a bug/issue.
- FrictionTest
- Testing geometry mapping with collision
- Testing for CollisionDetection in CollisionDetectionVisualTests (moved from examples)
- Various Collision fixes
- ModuleDriver::clearModules
- Introduces scene/simulation time in imstkScene. Accumulates dt.
- Logger::startLogger bug fixed where it could cause double output.
- Removes DataLogger. An extremely dated class not used anywhere & is actually incorrectly doxygen named as Logger. Flown under the radar for a long time it seems.
- Update C# examples for mapper renames
- Introduces toTetGrid, toTriangleGrid, & toLineGrid in GeometryUtils
- Various fixes for rendering toggle with csharp wrapper and visual testing toggles.
Edited by Andrew Wilson