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Refactoring imstk libs: splitting and separation of roles

Sreekanth Arikatla requested to merge sreekanth-arikatla/iMSTK:splitLibs into master
  1. Split Geometry and Mappers
  2. Remove Geometry and data structures dependency on Materials
  3. Move imstkColor to Common lib
  4. Make MeshIO into a separate lib
  5. Refactor the debug rendering and geometry
  6. Move SceneElements out of Scene folder
  7. Rename SceneElements to SceneEntities
  8. Split Collision into CollisionDetection and CollisionHandling
  9. Move makeCollisionDetectionObject static factory method out of the CollisionDetection class into the Scene lib

NOTE: Removed colors from the LineMesh class. This feature (of setting scalars to mesh data and rendering) will be allowed in upcoming refactoring branches

Edited by Sreekanth Arikatla

Merge request reports