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  • Alexis Girault's avatar
    WIP: Implement CameraController · b5a57f0f
    Alexis Girault authored
    1) Camera does not hold a vtkCamera anymore (less tight integration).
    It holds camera parameters.
    2) Camera has a pointer to CameraController, that you can set up
    based on a deviceclient. This camera controller has a reference
    to the camera, and updates its parameters based on the deviceclient
    retrieved information.
    3) Scene runs the controller as an asynchronous module in its own
    thread, it is therefore started in Scene::initModule and ended in
    4) In the timer loop of InteractorStyle, the vtk camera is updated
    based on the scene camera.
    5) In Renderer, a new vtk Camera needs to be created to match the
    scene camera, since it is not created anymore in imstk::Camera.