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  • T.J. Corona's avatar
    WORKAROUND: flush caches to resources in ReferenceItem and Link · 78566e63
    T.J. Corona authored
    smtk::attribute::ReferenceItem and smtk::resource::Surrogate are
    designed to use weak pointers to resources as caching mechanisms to
    prevent repeated lookups in smtk::resource::Manager and to facilitate
    their use in a manager-less design (e.g. for scripting). There is
    currently a bug in SMTK/ModelBuilder where there are too many shared
    pointers to a loaded resource; when a resource is removed from the
    system, it persists in memory due to these untracked shared
    pointers. This results in the caching weak pointers never being
    invalid, so cache entries do not become stale and refresh via the resource
    manager. Until we track down all of the stray shared pointers to
    resources, this MR forces the caches in ReferenceItem and Link to
    refresh whenever they are accessed.