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  • Brad King's avatar
    Merge topic 'export-sets' · 49c7b649
    Brad King authored and Kitware Robot's avatar Kitware Robot committed
    80112da5 Merge topic 'AutomocUseTargetProperties' into export-sets
    955b9662 exports: add a test for exporting dependent targets
    6f50a04c exports: define a CMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NAME var set by find_package()
    0cfd055a exports: move the handling of missing targets into subclasses
    190f2c82 exports: fix build with MSVC6
    8b5f448b exports: first try at error handling if a target is missing
    87f4c019 exports: accept a missing target if it is exported exactly once
    999061a4 exports: store pointers to all installations of each export set
    64b3a6c9 exports: cmGlobalGenerator::ExportSets destructor will clear it
    81cdab5b exports: Hold an ExportSet pointer in cm*Export*Generator
    5c898fbd exports: Add cmExportSetMap class
    d13ec1ac exports: Create class cmExportSet
    4e2347cb exports: Rename cmGlobalGenerator::AddTargetToExport{s,}
    e846e703 exports: Remove cmTargetExport constructor
    81c66c8b exports: Move cmTargetExport to a dedicated header file
    ae4ab625 find_package: add support for a <package>_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE va...