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ENH: Added a readOnly mode to the UIManager

Added API to set the qtUIManager to be read-only. Setting this to be true will tell all the Views being displayed by the manager that no modifications should be allowed.

This mechanism is now being used when a Task is marked as Completed and the contents of the Attribute Panel needs to be read-only. This change will allow the user to browse multiple tabs if the Task style is using a Group Tab View.

Other changes:

  1. 3D based Item Views now will honor isReadOnly "property"
  2. qtDefaultTaskNode's menus now will change Mark completed to Unmark as completed when a Task as been marked as completed.
  3. The Attribute Editor Panel will now reset and be blank if the current Task does not require it.

Developer changes

Added the following methods:

qtUIManager::setReadOnly(bool val)
bool qtUIManager::isReadOnly() const
Edited by Robert M. O'Bara

Merge request reports