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Don't build paraview widgets with ParaView 5.9

A number of paraview widgets in SMTK use ParaView code that is past the 5.10 branch. In order to build smtk with PV5.9 (which is required for remote visualization with NERSC), this MR remotes the widget library when PV5.9 is used. Some effort was made to bifurcate the widgets into pre- and post- 5.9 sets, however, a number of developer-build problems remain (particularly on Windows). So rather than continue revising the widget code, this MR skips that library when ParaView 5.9 is used.

This MR also changes the attribute resource reader (jsonResource.cxx) to only apply the smtk.attribute_panel.display_hint property to resources that don't already have this property. (Was causing all attribute resource files from older smtk builds to always display.)

Edited by John Tourtellott

Merge request reports