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ENH: Improving Performance for Large Phrase Models

Deprecated Old Style Visitor Signature
The deprecated signature returned a boolean.  The support form now returns a smtk::common::Visit Enum.

.. code-block:: c++

  // Deprecated Form
    using SourceVisitor = std::function<bool(
      const smtk::resource::ManagerPtr&,
      const smtk::operation::ManagerPtr&,
      const smtk::view::ManagerPtr&,
      const smtk::view::SelectionPtr&)>;
  // New Form
    using SourceVisitorFunction = std::function<smtk::common::Visit(
      const smtk::resource::ManagerPtr&,
      const smtk::operation::ManagerPtr&,
      const smtk::view::ManagerPtr&,
      const smtk::view::SelectionPtr&)>;

Added Map to find Descriptive Phrase by Persistent Object
PhraseModel now maintains a map a Persistent Object's UUIDs to a set of
Descriptive Phrases that contains that Persistent Object.  PhraseModel::trigger method now maintains the map
on Persistent Object insertion or removal.

The method PhraseModel::uuidPhraseMap returns the map.

Also added a protected method PhraseModel::removeFromMap to remove Descriptive Phrases from the map.

TriggerDataChanged Emits 1 Trigger
Previously, this method would result in a trigger per Phrase in the model.  Now it will only trigger for the root of the model.

DescriptivePhrase Changes

Merge request reports