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BUG: Fixing Issues qtAttributeView's operation handler

In qtAttributeView::handleOperationEvent, the code had the following issues:

  1. It assumed that an Attribute that is in the operation's result must be based on the View's current definition. This is only true if the View only contained one Definition. In reality, the attribute's Definition needs to be tested against the Definitions that defined the View and if it matches any of them it needs to be processed.
  2. It always assumed that there was a Current Attribute selected. This would result in a crash if there wasn't any.
  3. There was a bug in qtAttributeView::getItemFromAttribute, it was getting items from column 0 instead of the name column. This resulted in names not being properly updated

Added qtAttributeView::matchesDefinitions

This method tests a Definition against the Definitions that define the View and returns true if it matches or is derived from any in the list.

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