ENH: Fixing up Polygon Operators
By default the label of an Attribute Definition is set to its type
When Operators are displayed they now refer to the label associated with its underlying attribute defintion instead of the type - this allows operator to be "named" differently in the display without changing its actual name
Added a method to Polygon's Model to create an edge from 2 vertices
Divided CreateEdge operator into 3 operators: 4.1 CreateEdge - creates the edge interactively 4.2 CreateEdgeFromVertices 4.3 CreateEdgeFromPoints - also cleaned up GUI
CreateFaces has been split into 2 operators 5.1 - CreateFace creates all possible faces 5.2 - CreateFaceFromEdges - creates all posisble faces based on a set of selected edges
Simplified CreateVertices operator and cleaned-up the UI
Changed a bunch of operator labels to provide better grouping when they get displayed Note that in order to get the Model focused operators to be displayed at the top they all start with a space.
Sessions can now return opertor labels and their mapping to their names
Polygon Session renames some opertors (in particularly export to SMTK model is now called Model-Save which is how a polygon model is actually saved.