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  • Stephen Kelly's avatar
    cmGlobalGenerator: Initialize generator targets on construction (#15729) · 9bc6eb8e
    Stephen Kelly authored and Brad King's avatar Brad King committed
    The Ninja generator and Visual Studio generators are special-cased for the
    QtAutogen feature.  In order to reduce the number of custom targets, the Visual
    Studio generators prefer to create custom commands instead, and in order to
    create appropriate Ninja files, generated rcc files are listed as byproducts.
    This requires the use of the GetConfigCommonSourceFiles API of the
    cmGeneratorTarget for those generators when initializing the autogen target.
    The initializer method is called from Compute() after the cmGeneratorTarget
    objects are created, however the initialization of the object directory occurs
    later in the InitGeneratorTargets method.  That means that the resulting object
    locations are computed incorrectly and cached before the object directory is
    determined, so the generated buildsystem can not find the object files.
    The initialization of the object directory was split from the creation of
    cmGeneratorTarget instances in com...