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  • Sebastian Holtermann's avatar
    cmSystemTools: Add ExpandedListArgument and ExpandedLists methods · cdff7f4e
    Sebastian Holtermann authored
    In `cmSystemTools` this
    - renames the method `ExpandList` to `ExpandLists` and makes it iterator based
    and adds the methods
    - `std::vector<std::string> ExpandedLists(InputIt first, InputIt last)`
    - `std::vector<std::string> ExpandedListArgument(const std::string& arg,
                                                           bool emptyArgs)`
    Both return the  `std::vector<std::string>` instead of taking a return vector
    reference like `cmSystemTools::ExpandLists` and
    Since C++17 return value optimization is mandatory, so returning a
    `std:vector<std::string>` from a function should be (at least) as fast as
    passing a return vector reference to the function.
    The new methods can replace `cmSystemTools::ExpandLists` and
    `cmSystemTools::ExpandListArgument` in many cases, which leads to
    shorter and simpler syntax.
    E.g. the commonly used pattern
      if (const char* value...