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  • Brad King's avatar
    FindCUDA: Fix regression under Visual Studio generators · 1911cda0
    Brad King authored
    Since commit v3.5.0-rc1~47^2 (FindCUDA: Support special characters in
    path, 2016-01-15) our add_custom_command calls use VERBATIM so that
    CMake will automatically quote special characters correctly.  However,
    this breaks the special `$(VCInstallDir)` placeholder used with Visual
    Studio generators.  Since we do not support preservation of such
    placeholders with VERBATIM (see issue #15001
    ) we must fall back to not
    using VERBATIM when the placeholder is used.
    A better fix would be to stop using `$(VCInstallDir)` and use the value
    of `CMAKE_${CUDA_C_OR_CXX}_COMPILER` instead, but that will require
    additional semantic and documentation changes.  For now simply fix the
    regression with the above approach.
    Reported-by: default avatarStephen Sorley <>