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FindBoost: Add support for Boost 1.82

huangqinjin requested to merge huangqinjin/cmake:find-boost-1.82 into master

Update the list of known versions.

There is a new header-only library, Boost.MySQL. It has no dependencies and has a core header <boost/mysql.hpp>.

Run the command

cmake -DBOOST_DIR=/path/to/boost_1_82_0 -P Utilities/Scripts/BoostScanDeps.cmake

to extract dependencies from the 1.82.0 source tree. They are the same as 1.81's dependencies, so just update the version check for warning about newer versions.

-- set(_Boost_CONTRACT_DEPENDENCIES thread chrono)
-- set(_Boost_COROUTINE_DEPENDENCIES context)
-- set(_Boost_FIBER_DEPENDENCIES context)
-- set(_Boost_JSON_DEPENDENCIES container)
-- set(_Boost_LOG_DEPENDENCIES log_setup filesystem thread regex chrono atomic)
-- set(_Boost_MATH_DEPENDENCIES math_c99 math_c99f math_c99l math_tr1 math_tr1f math_tr1l)
-- set(_Boost_MPI_DEPENDENCIES serialization)
-- set(_Boost_MPI_PYTHON_DEPENDENCIES python${component_python_version} mpi serialization)
-- set(_Boost_NUMPY_DEPENDENCIES python${component_python_version})
-- set(_Boost_THREAD_DEPENDENCIES chrono atomic)
-- set(_Boost_TIMER_DEPENDENCIES chrono)
-- set(_Boost_WAVE_DEPENDENCIES filesystem serialization thread chrono atomic)
-- set(_Boost_WSERIALIZATION_DEPENDENCIES serialization)

Backport: release

Edited by Brad King

Merge request reports