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Autogen: Add CMAKE_AUTO*_EXECUTABLE variables


This MR adds the CMAKE_AUTOMOC_EXECUTABLE, CMAKE_AUTOUIC_EXECUTABLE, and CMAKE_AUTORCC_EXECUTABLE global CMake variables. When Qt is added to CMake, Autogen executables check whether the global CMAKE_AUTO*_EXECUTABLEs exist. If they exist, AUTO*_EXECUTABLE initialize with the corresponding global values.


rm -rf build && cmake -S .  -B build/ -DCMake_TEST_Qt6=ON  -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<Qt path> && cmake --build build/ --parallel


A new test case GlobalMocExecutables was added to test these new variables. The below commands can be run to try them.

ctest  --test-dir build/ -R Qt5Autogen.GlobalAutogenExecutable -V
ctest  --test-dir build/ -R Qt6Autogen.GlobalAutogenExecutable -V

Fixes: #20071 (closed)
Topic-rename: autogen-exe-vars

Edited by Brad King

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