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ExternalProject: Restore driving install through build system

Revert !7655 (merged). It changed the ExternalProject install step command from:

cmake --build <dir> --target install --config <cfg>


cmake --install <dir> --config <cfg>

The latter command no longer runs the external project build system during the install step. We could consider using the commands:

cmake --build <dir> --target all --config <cfg>
cmake --install <dir> --config <cfg>

as the install step, but if CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_ALL_DEPENDENCY is used in the external project, that can change semantics too.

Revert the original change pending further investigation on other ways to support its motivating use case. Add a test covering the previously-regressed use case.

Fixes: #24567 (closed)
Issue: #23946
Backport: release

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