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VS: Exclude ZERO_CHECK.proj from .sln for include_external_msproject

Sumit Bhardwaj requested to merge bhardwajs/cmake:issue_23708 into master

In cmGlobalVisualStudio7Generator::WriteTargetsToSolution, we skip writing ZERO_CHECK.proj to solution file as the check in cmGlobalVisualStudioGenerator::IsInSolution returns false for ZERO_CHECK. However, we write ZERO_CHECK to ProjectDependencies for external projects as there are no checks in cmGlobalVisualStudio71Generator::WriteExternalProject.

Similar to cmGlobalVisualStudioGenerator::IsInSolution, we introduce IsDepInSolution(const std::string&) which excludes ZERO_CHECK.proj from being added to sln file for the cases where we have ZERO_CHECK.proj.

Fixes: #23708 (closed)
Backport: release
Topic-rename: vs-ZERO_CHECK-proj

Edited by Brad King

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