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FindPython's Development.Module component requires "LIBRARY" in the artifacts list

In my current environment find_package(Python REQUIRED COMPONENT Development.Module) currently fails with Could NOT find Python (missing: Development.Module). The reason for this failure can be traced through the following parts of the code:

I am not sure whether there is something in my current environment that is causing this issue, but the Windows-specific conditional that I've removed seemed a bit odd to me. Also, it seems like to a large extent _${_PYTHON_PREFIX}_FIND_DEVELOPMENT_MODULE_ARTIFACTS and _${_PYTHON_PREFIX}_FIND_DEVELOPMENT_EMBED_ARTIFACTS could maybe just be combined, but I'm afraid I don't know this code well enough to say for sure. A lot of this code seems to trace back to the changes in !4616 (merged), so I assume that refactoring has significant bearing on deciding whether or not my solution here is correct.

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