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Trace: add global_frame field to json-v1 format

Tools using the json-v1 format might want to trace stack frames across different CMakeLists.txt files, in order to, for example, provide stacktraces that span from the top-level CMakeLists.txt in a project. One would think that frame lets you do that, but it doesn't, because it tells you the depth of the stack within the current CMakeLists.txt, so it gets reset across calls to add_subdirectory.

The solution involves adding a field with a "global frame". This value gets incremented on calls to add_subdirectory, which makes it easier for tools to reconstruct "global stacktraces".

I considered changing the current "frame" value, but I didn't because it would be a breaking change. I cannot think of any use-case where "frame" is more useful to "global-frame", but maybe I'm missing something.

Topic-rename: trace-global-frame

Edited by Braulio Valdivielso

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