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ARMClang: Do not automatically add cpu/arch compile or link options

Lingkai Dong requested to merge LDong-Arm/cmake:armclang_cpu_features into master

The compiler options --march=<arch> and --mcpu=<cpu> and the linker option --cpu=<cpu> are automatically added by CMake based on CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR or CMAKE_SYSTEM_ARCH. But this is not sufficient, because armclang also supports enabling or disabling features using +<feature>:


For example:



The problem is, even if a project adds a flag with features it needs, CMake still adds flags, resulting in code that is compiled with wrong CPU features and unable to run.

A new policy CMP0123 has been created to not automatically add compile or link options, and let projects set them instead. The problem is, even if a project adds a flag with features it needs, CMake still a add flags without features specified, resulting in code that is compiled with wrong CPU features and unable to run.

Fixes: #21173 (closed)
Topic-rename: ARMClang-cpu-arch-flags

Edited by Brad King

Merge request reports