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FindCURL: Fix list index check after search

When searching for particular components and curl-config reports one of the components being searched for first in the list, find_package fails. This is due to the check that treats non-zero index in the list as success and zero index as failure, while documentation on list(FIND) states that failure to find an element results in return value of -1 (not 0). I'm hitting this when building cURL with support for HTTP and HTTPS protocols only, and then trying to find_package(CURL COMPONENTS HTTP HTTPS).

I'm using if(NOT x EQUAL -1) check form as it appears to be the most used throughout the modules.

While fixing this issue I've looked through all the uses of list(FIND) in other modules but wasn't able to find improper use except here.

Introduced in !2677 (merged) (CMake 3.14).

Backport: release
Topic-rename: FindCURL-list-index-if

Edited by Brad King

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