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Autogen: Q_PLUGIN_METADATA json change detection

Sebastian Holtermann requested to merge sebholt/cmake:autogen_json into master

Improvements to the Autogen code.

The notable user changes are:

  • When including "moc_FOO.cpp", AUTOMOC will look for FOO.h(xx) in the INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES as well. This is convenient for cases where headers and sources are in separate directories. A test is included.
  • Q_PLUGIN_METADATA FILE argument file change detection. When the addressed file changes, the moc gets rebuild. A Test is included.
  • The AUTOMOC documentation is extended and fixed. E.g. it claimed that FOO.moc files would be included in moc_compilation.cpp, which is wrong.

It would be nice it someone (or the test system?) could run the QtAutogen tests using the VS generator since I don't have access to that.

Merge request reports