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FindBoost: Add missing -mt tag to _boost_RELEASE_NAMES

Mario Bielert requested to merge bmario/cmake:patch-1 into master

The line was missing for in the part trying to find the release libraries, whoever, it is present in the part searching the debug names.

However, on my system, this causes FindBoost to "find" the wrong libraries. For example: find_library(Boost COMPONENTS system)

I have an additional boost installed under /opt/boost/1.68.0-gcc-7.3-openmpi-3.1/, and I've set the BOOST_ROOT variable to this directory. The includes are detected fine in /opt/boost/1.68.0-gcc-7.3-openmpi-3.1/include. However, the library is is installed under /opt/boost/1.68.0-gcc-7.3-openmpi-3.1/lib/libboost_system-mt.a. Because of the missing line, the find_library here end up finding the system-wide installed version: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libboost_system.a

Topic-rename: FindBoost-mt-release

Edited by Brad King

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