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FindSubversion: Add Subversion_WC_INFO option to ignore failures

Jason Heeris requested to merge detly/cmake:find-subversion-error-handle into master

From commit:

Using the Subversion_WC_INFO() macro on a directory that isn't an SVN working copy no longer results in an error, but in a status message and the corresponding variables being left unset.

This is one approach. I'm not committed (ha ha) to it, but it seemed like the most obvious way to signal that the variables can't be sensibly set was to just not set them.

This could, in theory, break configurations that rely on the configuration stage stopping if not run on an SVN working copy, but it's hard to see how that would be practical in the first place. Then again, I am always able to be surprised.

Fixes: #18264 (closed)
Topic-rename: FindSubversion-wc-info-error

Edited by Brad King

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