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Don't AUTOMOC qt4-generated files

Suppress AUTOMOC on files generated by Qt4 wrapping macros; particularly, those generated by qt4_wrap_cpp, qt4_wrap_ui, and qt4_add_resources. None of these should need AUTOMOC treatment, and this suppresses a CMP0071 that is really silly for these.

@brad.king, the release note text could probably use some polishing; help appreciated!

I don't have a trivial test case for this, but it should be easy enough to reproduce:

git clone
cd qtextensions

(It's not necessary to actually build the project, and as long as qmake is found, it should configure without needing to set up anything else. A trivial test case would require Qt4 qmake anyway, so the only overhead is cloning the repository. Warnings can be see without BUILD_TESTING, but qt4_add_resources is only exercised if BUILD_TESTING is ON.)

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