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  • Brad King's avatar
    Android: Refactor sysroot detection under Visual Studio · 42418b02
    Brad King authored
    Since commit 6051a49c (Visual Studio: Add Android support, 2020-06-12,
    v3.19.0-rc1~619^2) we run MSBuild to build a sample project to detect
    the sysroot.  Previously we relied on `CMAKE_VS_MSBUILD_COMMAND` being
    available.  That required commit d5b5c192 (cmGlobalGenerator:
    FindMakeProgram() before CMakeDetermineSystem, 2020-06-15,
    v3.19.0-rc1~619^2~3) to make it available early enough.  However, that
    ordering broke `CMAKE_GENERATOR_INSTANCE` so we need to prepare to
    revert it.  Use `cmake_host_system_information` to get the location of
    MSBuild under a VS generator instead.