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  • Matthew Woehlke's avatar
    Tests: Add failure test for GenerateExportHeader · 8f95b93b
    Matthew Woehlke authored and Brad King's avatar Brad King committed
    Modify notation of statements in the GenerateExportHeader test expected
    to result in link errors. Modify script used to build the test to also
    generate a suite of modified sources, each having exactly one of the
    failing lines enabled, and to generate EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL executables for
    the same. Modify RunCMake script used to drive the test to read the list
    of such executables and try to build each of them, verifying that they
    do in fact fail to build.
    This will verify that the _NO_EXPORT macros are working as expected, and
    will also catch errors like the one that commit 0cbaaf2d
    (GenerateExportHeader: Fix add_compiler_export_flags regression,
    2016-09-01) fixed.
    When setting up the failure tests for GenerateExportHeader, check if the
    compiler actually hides non-exported stuff.  If not, the failure tests
    won't fail, and will cause the overall test to fail.  Since this
    typically is only the case for very old compilers, simply skipping them
    as opposed to trying...