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  • Tyler Nichols's avatar
    Add CMAKE_<LANG>_STANDARD_LATEST variables · 7c38e6bb
    Tyler Nichols authored and Brad King's avatar Brad King committed
    Add a variable to indicate the latest standard known to be supported for
    each language:
    These variables, more generally referred to as
    `CMAKE_<LANG>_STANDARD_LATEST`, are assigned an integer value which
    represents the minimum between the latest version of the associated
    language standard supported by the current compiler and the latest
    version supported by CMake.
    Add documentation for these variables in a new page called
    `CMAKE_<LANG>_STANDARD_LATEST` was added under the "Variables for
    Languages" section of the `cmake-variables(7)` page.
    Update each compiler-specific CMake script under
    `${CMAKE_ROOT}\Modules\Compiler` to manually define the relevant
    `CMAKE_<LANG>_STANDARD_LATEST` variable as necessary. This will
    require updating and maintaining as newer compiler versions become