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  • Brad King's avatar
    MSYS,CYGWIN: Hard-code host system names when built for these runtimes · 607051f2
    Brad King authored
    When CMake is built against the MSYS runtime library, `uname()` returns
    a name that depends on the `MSYSTEM` environment variable.  Previously
    we truncated `MSYS_...` to just `MSYS`, but outside `MSYSTEM=MSYS`
    environments, names like `MINGW64_NT-10.0-22000` were reported.
    The latter causes CMake to report an unsupported-platform error, which
    users report as an issue when the real problem is that they should be
    using a `MSYSTEM=MSYS` environment or a CMake that is not built against
    the MSYS runtime.
    For our purposes, if CMake is built against the MSYS runtime, the host
    platform is always `MSYS`.  Similarly for `CYGWIN`.