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  • Deniz Bahadir's avatar
    GENERATED prop: Check CMP0118 policy and warn in certain situations · ca4ce458
    Deniz Bahadir authored
    * Adding tests for CMP0118 being unset (aka set to `WARN`).
    * Adjusting the (unrelated) RunCMake.CMP0026 test to set CMP0118 to
    * Adjusting the (unrelated) RunCMake.Ninja test to set CMP0118 to `OLD`.
    * Adjusting the (unrelated) RunCMake.FileAPI test to set CMP0118 to
    Setting CMP0118 to `NEW` and modifying the `GENERATED` property with
    `set_property` or `set_source_files_properties` will currently NOT set
    that property because the implementation is still to come.