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  • Matthias Männich's avatar
    cmCommandArgumentLexer: regenerate with flex 2.6.4 (previously 2.6.1) · d2e8351a
    Matthias Männich authored
    flex 2.6.3 introduces symbol remapping through macro definitions. hence the
    change appears bigger than one would expect from a minor version upgrade.
    In addition some manual cleanup that had to be done previously is now
    obsolete. namely:
      - the size_t cast of _yybytes_len in yy_scan_bytes
        (i is now also defined int and not size_t anymore)
      - the redefinition of yyl within yy_find_action
        (yyl is now already defined as int)
    Line number preprocessor directives (#line) were previously generated into
    the c source file. This actually breaks debugging as debuggers have a hard
    time finding the original and mapping the current
    instruction to a meaningful location within that file.
    The prefix "cmCommandArgument_yy" can already be set as %option directly.
    For convenience also provide a sed command for all the manual steps that
    need to be done after generating.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarMatthias Maennich <matthias@ma...>