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  • Craig Scott's avatar
    ExternalProject: Use -S and -B args to robustly set configure dirs · 6b6d5933
    Craig Scott authored
    Previously, the build directory was not explicitly specified. Instead, the
    current working directory was assumed to be the build directory and the
    source directory was passed as a positional argument. However, if the
    source directory contained a CMakeCache.txt, it was treated as a binary
    directory instead. For the scenario where a project is built in-source and
    it calls ExternalProject_Add() with its own source directory but a different
    build directory (e.g. to build itself with a different set of configure arguments),
    this results in a build error.
    Explicitly list both the source and build directories using the -S and -B options
    respectively. This unambiguously sets both, avoiding the above problem.
    Fixes: #24081