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  • Brad King's avatar
    Do not generate rules for .def generation where not supported · 1ac042aa
    Brad King authored
    Our `cmake -E __create_def` helper used for `WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS`
    and merging of multiple `.def` files is available only with CMake hosted
    on Windows.  However, we may generate use of it on other platforms since
    commit v3.9.0-rc1~405^2 (Support WINDOWS_EXPORT_ALL_SYMBOLS with `.def`
    files, 2017-03-13) when multiple `.def` files are listed.  This results
    in a build error because the tool doesn't exist.
    Fix our logic to avoid using the tool on non-Windows platforms.  Instead
    silently ignore all but the first `.def` source as we did before.
    Issue: #17773