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  • Stephen Kelly's avatar
    cmAlgorithms: Implement algorithm for removing indexes. · 0b5cf0da
    Stephen Kelly authored
    Implement ContainerAlgorithms::RemoveN to remove N elements to the
    end of a container by rotating.  The rotate is implemented in terms
    of the efficient swap algorithm, optimized even more in the standard
    library implementation when the compiler supports the rvalue-references
    feature to move elements.  Implement cmRemoveN with a Range API
    for completeness.
    std::rotate in C++11 is specified to return an iterator, but
    c++98 specifies it to return void.  libstdc++ 5.0 will be the first
    version to have the correct return type.  Implement
    ContainerAlgorithms::Rotate in terms of std::rotate and return the
    correct iterator from it.  While std::rotate requires forward iterators,
     this workaround means cmRotate requires bidirectional iterators.  As
    most of CMake uses random access iterators anyway, this should not
    be a problem.
    Implement cmRemoveIndices in terms of the RemoveN algorithm, such
    that each element which is not removed is rotated only once.  This
    can not use the cmRemoveN range-API algorithm because that would
    require creating a new range, but the range must be taken by reference
    and so it can't be a temporary.
    These remove algorithms are not part of the STL and I couldn't find them
    anywhere else either.