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Created with Raphaël 2.2.017Jun1514131211102May30Apr28191411108752128Mar26222120181487628Feb2711211Jan14Dec754312Nov10929Oct1710815Sep112Aug130Jul2827251615141085314Jun29Apr272621Mar191427Feb26Jan231912Dec28Nov13111031Oct2725241043217Sep141312108730Aug28252417128732131Jul26242118151276321Jun1815919May1817161512111098326Apr252221191817141312111087654331Mar292827262422211514139828Feb272421631Jan30262465320Dec8630Nov292319171615141110983131Oct30282726252420191817Change the name from External_TBB.cmake to External_tbb.cmakeBUG: Fix issue with FindTBB.cmakeENH: Add TBB as external dependencyMerge branch 'updateVRPNtoLatest' into 'master'COMP: Disable building tests for external dependenciesCOMP: Update the vrpn to the latestMerge branch 'refactorPBDCollisionREBASED' into 'master'BUG: Fix bugs from rebaseCOMP: Change include file name to be case-sensitiveeBUG: Redefinition of PointTetrahedronCollisionDataSTYLE: Enforce styleREFAC: Updated the PBDFluidsExample according to the Collision HandlerREFAC: PBDCollisionExample updated accordingly:BUG: Fixed PBD Collision Handling by passing the collision constraints from CH to one PbdSolver and solve the constaints in the correct order.BUG: Fix the "memory access excpetion" by correcting the triangle - vertex order in TriangleVertexCollisionDataBUG: Construct CD and CH with collision data pointerBUG: Remove the conflict artifactsSTYKE: Correct styleWIP: Change SceneManager to straighten PBD pipelineREFAC: Depericate VirtualCouplingPBD classREFAC: Rename computeContactForces to generinc name processCollisionDataBUG: Check if the actor is for scene objects before turning ON/OFF visibilityENH: Add PBD collision handlingENH: Add Brute for mesh-to-mesh collision detectionMerge branch 'enableAllWarnings' into 'master'COMP: Enable compiler flags to report most warningsMerge branch 'SPH-Simulation' into 'master'BUG: Fix g++-5 compiling errorsBUG: Fix error due to c++11 standardMerge branch 'DisplayFractionalFPS' into 'master'ENH: Display fractional FPSREFACT: Change logging and const correctnessREFAC: Remove test example as it is included in the unit testREFAC: Rewrite all template classes to use Real as type aliasingENH: Implement SPH fluid simulationBUG: Fix uncrustify configENH: Implement neighbor search (should be identical to the neighbor search branch)Merge branch 'displayPhysicsFPS' into 'master'ENH: Display fps on the screen along with the render fpsMerge branch 'imstkObject' into 'master'