This will checkout, build and link all iMSTK dependencies. When making changes to iMSTK [base source code](/Base), you can then build from the `Innerbuild` directory.
* ##### On Windows
Run CMake-GUI and follow the directions described [HERE]( You will have to choose which version of Visual Studio you'd like to use when configuring the project, make sure to select **Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 12 2013**. CMake will generate a `iMSTK.sln` solution file for Visual Studio at the top level. Open this file and build all targets, which will checkout, build and link all iMSTK dependencies. When making changes to iMSTK [base source code](/Base), you can then build from the `iMSTK.sln` solution file located in the `Innerbuild` directory.
> /!\ MVSC 2015 is not yet supported as the dependency libusb 1.0.20 does not support it yet. We will work on supporting MVSC in the near future when libusb 1.0.21 is released.
Run CMake-GUI and follow the directions described [HERE]( You will have to choose which version of Visual Studio you'd like to use when configuring the project, make sure to select **Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 15 2017**. CMake will generate a `iMSTK.sln` solution file for Visual Studio at the top level. Open this file and build all targets, which will checkout, build and link all iMSTK dependencies. When making changes to iMSTK [base source code](/Base), you can then build from the `iMSTK.sln` solution file located in the `Innerbuild` directory.
* ##### Phantom Omni Support
To support the [Geomagic Touch (formerly Sensable Phantom Omni)]( haptic device, follow the steps below: