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  • David Thompson's avatar
    A new cmb6 branded app. · a9ebd32b
    David Thompson authored
    + This application uses the "Clone2" ParaView example.
    + The "File" menu is organized for the first stage of CMB 6, which
      is to serve as a model viewer.
    + Change some behavior settings so the SMTK plugins are loaded properly.
    + Some XML tests of the viewer functionality are included.
    + The modelbuilder app allows fancy side-by-side panel docking by
      enabling nested docking.
    + A plugin exists to enable post-processing via a toolbar button.
      modelbuilder-based applications may load it for advanced users.
    A new cmb6 branded app.
    David Thompson authored
    + This application uses the "Clone2" ParaView example.
    + The "File" menu is organized for the first stage of CMB 6, which
      is to serve as a model viewer.
    + Change some behavior settings so the SMTK plugins are loaded properly.
    + Some XML tests of the viewer functionality are included.
    + The modelbuilder app allows fancy side-by-side panel docking by
      enabling nested docking.
    + A plugin exists to enable post-processing via a toolbar button.
      modelbuilder-based applications may load it for advanced users.
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