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Expose rxvtk::from_event in python

this new API allows to create an observable of a vtkCommand event in python.

async def Observe(observable):
    async for event in observable:

async def main():
    observer = ReactiveCommand(sphere, vtkCommand.PropertyModifiedEvent)
    task = asyncio.create_task(Observe(observer.GetObservable()))


    await task

# sample output
# [<paraview.modules.vtkRemotingServerManager.vtkSMSourceProxy(0x55613949cfb0) at 0x7f097d6c7520>, 73, None]
# [<paraview.modules.vtkRemotingServerManager.vtkSMSourceProxy(0x55613949cfb0) at 0x7f097d6c7520>, 73, None]
# [<paraview.modules.vtkRemotingServerManager.vtkSMSourceProxy(0x55613949cfb0) at 0x7f097d6c7520>, 73, None]
# [<paraview.modules.vtkRemotingServerManager.vtkSMSourceProxy(0x55613949cfb0) at 0x7f097d6c7520>, 73, None]
# [<paraview.modules.vtkRemotingServerManager.vtkSMSourceProxy(0x55613949cfb0) at 0x7f097d6c7520>, 73, None]


  • callData i.e the third argument of virtual void vtkCommand::Execute(vtkObject * caller,unsigned long eventId, void * callData) is not wrapped.
  • There is no way currently of unsubscribing besides destroying the vtkObject we are observing.

There is no technical reason for it to be in ParaT class but I think it looks convenient.

Edited by Christos Tsolakis

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