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Add SMTKFileWriter module for exporting Slicer scene as .aeva.smtk file which can then be loaded into aevaCMB application.

Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin requested to merge add-smtk-filewriter-plugin into master

This merge request addresses aeva#115 (closed) and it was developed by @shreeraj.jadhav with input from @jcfr

It adds the SMTKFileWriter module enabling user to export a Slicer MRML scene as a .aeva.smtk json file along side with:

  • Slicer segmentation saved as .vti
  • Slicer surface models saved as .vtp
  • Slicer solid models saved as .vtu

The exported file is saved with extension .aeva.smtk which can then be loaded into aevaCMB application.



  1. Export surface models as vtkPolyData (.vtp)
  2. Export solid models as vtkUnstructuredGrid (.vtu)
  3. Export Images/Volumes as vtkImageData (.vti)
  4. Export scene as smtk json format (.aeva.smtk)
  5. Individual component files (vtp, vtu, vti) are saved under a subfolder with the same name as the parent filename.
  6. Components undergo transformation hardening before saving, thereby carrying forward any registrations/transformations applied within Slicer.
  7. File names of component files are made more readable by using the user-specified MRML node name as a prefix to the file followed by the respective uuid. The prefix undergoes string sanitization to ensure that it is compatible as a file name.

External projects

To support this, the following external projects have been added:

  • External_aeva-session.cmake
  • External_Boost.cmake: Currently required Boost to be always be installed on the system. See aevaslicer#10
  • External_Eigen3.cmake
  • External_MOAB.cmake
  • External_Netgen.cmake
  • External_nlohmann_json.cmake
  • External_pegtl.cmake
  • External_smtk.cmake
  • External_vtkFiltersParallelDIY2.cmake
  • External_vtkIOParallelExodus.cmake
  • External_vtkvtkm.cmake
Edited by Jean-Christophe Fillion-Robin

Merge request reports
