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Promote sidesets with primary

Ye Han requested to merge yehan/session:promote-sidesets-with-primary into master

If a volume is promoted, its side sets, its boundary face, the side sets created from its boundary surface are all promoted. The same applies if the boundary face is promoted.

The promotion trickling works as follows:

  1. Get all cells in the promoted primary geometry that contain the nodes from the original side set.
  2. Keep the cell if its number of the vertices of in the side set is equal to the number of vertices in linear cells.
  3. Extract the vertices/cells as indicated by the type of original side sets.

Note: If all nodes of a cell is in the side set, the cell is considered in the side set. This may cause minor defect on the promotion as shown in the promoted face set below.

promoted node set:


promoted face set:


Edited by Ye Han

Merge request reports