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Upgrade/paraview56 python37

Jerome Dias requested to merge upgrade/Paraview56Python37 into master

This is a MR to upgrade paraview from 5.4 to 5.6.1 and python from 2.7 to 3.7 :

  • We now use a forked version of paraview 5.6.1.
  • The common-superbuild has been updated for a better management of python 2 or 3 (superbuild projects named python2 and python3).
  • We have solved some issues in the case where concurrent python versions are installed in a machine. That is why we need exactly python version 3.7.
  • We made some changes to take into account some API and class name changes.
  • Now the python Shell and the message console are managed with some embedded Paraview classes and fully integrated in the UI.
  • The VV prefix has been changed to LV in all cmake files.
  • All the dependencies previously located in lib\lidarview-3.6 has been moved to lib. This avoid a duplication of some dependencies in lib and lib/lidarview-3.6.
  • The bundle has been refactored to use new functions available from the common-superbuild and to take into account the new location of the dependencies.

So now apps and dependencies are organized as follow relatively to the CMAKE_INSTALL_DIR :

UNIX Windows OSX
LidarView App lib bin bin/
SimLink Lidarview bin none none
Other apps bin bin bin/
Calibration files share share bin/
Dependencies lib bin bin/
Plugins lib/plugins bin/plugins bin/
Python modules lib/python3.7/site-packages bin/site-packages bin/
Python libs lib/python3.7 bin bin/

TODO before merging :

  • Wait for LVCore and Superbuild to be merged and updated
  • Delete modification on CI
  • Use public plugin submodule

Related to lidarview-core!170 (merged) and lidarview-superbuild!21 (merged)

@nick.laurenson and @nicolas.cadart PTAL

Edited by Jerome Dias

Merge request reports
