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[feat] Add vtkPCLPlaneAlignment

Julien Chaize requested to merge feat/AddPCLPlaneAlignment into master

This class try to fit a plane to a point cloud and use this plane to align the floor to the XY plane. The plane is fitted using the RANSAC algorithm. By default, the main plane of the pointcloud is fitted. If the UseNormalAxis is set to true, the plane will be fitted using the NormalAxis and ThresholdAngle. If the TranslateToOrigin is set to true, the plane z axis will be centered on the origin. By default, planeNumber allows the user to choose the i-th plane found instead of the first one. If UseApproximateDistance is set to true, a signed distance can be set and the closest point to this distance will be used (oriented by the positive z axis).

Merge request reports
