Fix test stream and remove warnings
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- MelanieCarriere authored
The reader test all frames of a pcap (even the first and the last one by enabling the corresponding option) So to generate the data, you also need to check "Chow first and last frame options" In case there is no uncomplete last frame (for a truncated pcap for example) this option create an empty frame at the end of the pcap. So when you test such a data in stream mode there is a segfault at the last split frame : There is no point in the last frame, so a simple call of "split frame" does not push back the current frame in the lidarPacketInterpreter frame buffer because there is a check on the number of point. The only way to avoid this segfault is by forcing the splitFrame. So an empty frame can be push back to the lidarPacketInterpreter frame buffer
@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ int SendAndTestAllFrames(vtkLidarStream *stream, vtkLidarPacketInterpreter* inte