- Nov 10, 2020
MelanieCarriere authored
Columns visibility was restored only in the first opening of LidarView. For example : if you open the spreadsheet (using ctrl-t), hide a specific column, close the spreadsheet (using ctrl-t) and reopen it, the column wasn't hide. This was due to the check on the current object (if it was different thant the previous). Actually we want to update the column selection everytime the spreadsheet is displayed. Even if it's the same object or the same frame.
- Nov 05, 2020
MelanieCarriere authored
Fix test stream and remove warnings See merge request !137
MelanieCarriere authored
MelanieCarriere authored
MelanieCarriere authored
The reader test all frames of a pcap (even the first and the last one by enabling the corresponding option) So to generate the data, you also need to check "Chow first and last frame options" In case there is no uncomplete last frame (for a truncated pcap for example) this option create an empty frame at the end of the pcap. So when you test such a data in stream mode there is a segfault at the last split frame : There is no point in the last frame, so a simple call of "split frame" does not push back the current frame in the lidarPacketInterpreter frame buffer because there is a check on the number of point. The only way to avoid this segfault is by forcing the splitFrame. So an empty frame can be push back to the lidarPacketInterpreter frame buffer
- Nov 04, 2020
MelanieCarriere authored
[Fix] fix windows compilation of lqLoadLidarStateReaction See merge request !138
With MSVC : a double[size] can not be instantiate with a non constant size.
MelanieCarriere authored
[feature] Save and load lidar state See merge request !135
- Nov 03, 2020
MelanieCarriere authored
The lidar state represents all the properties of a lidar source and ones of its subproxy (interpreter, ...) A lidar source can be a lidarStream or a LidarReader. This commit allow to save all or a part of theses properties in json file. You can the reload them on a pipeline which already contains a lidar source
MelanieCarriere authored
[Test] Add a file to help generate groundtruth for new test data See merge request !136
The file will not work as python file. You need to : - Update it with your own paths - Copy-paste it in a programmable source in lidarview
- Oct 22, 2020
Lea Vauchier authored
Add kitti label reader and dataset writer See merge request !124
Lea Vauchier authored
Lea Vauchier authored
In particular: fix potential issue with eigen when passing a parameter by value
Lea Vauchier authored
Lea Vauchier authored
Lea Vauchier authored
This is a temporary implementation, this writer should be implemented as a writer instead of a filter.
Lea Vauchier authored
Kitti 3d object detection labels are stored in camera reference coordinates, providing the calibration files enables projecting them to the lidar coordinates system
Lea Vauchier authored
Lea Vauchier authored
Lea Vauchier authored
This reader reads Kitti 3d object detection labels
Lea Vauchier authored
Up to now, the number of digits was hardcoded to 10, which didn't match the object detection dataset format with 6 digits.
- Oct 13, 2020
Nick Laurenson authored
Revert "[CI] Enable pointing to a SHA from another remote (than the one by default)." See merge request !134
Nick Laurenson authored
This reverts commit ef5b4b8f. In the current gitlab-ci setup, the same source directory can be reused. This can lead the command `git remote add <name>` to fail, and so the ci pipeline, in case the remote already exist.
- Oct 08, 2020
MelanieCarriere authored
[CI] Enable pointing to a SHA from another remote (than the one by default). See merge request !126
- Oct 07, 2020
MelanieCarriere authored
This is usefull when we have a public and a private repository of the same submodule. The public repository of the application will point by default to the public submodule. But we need to be able to launch the CI from the private submodule.
Nick Laurenson authored
Add plane parameters output to vtkRansacPlaneModel filter See merge request !128
Nick Laurenson authored
[ci] Specify job-level timeout for the superbuild See merge request !130
Nicolas Cadart authored
Fix MLSPosesSmoothing See merge request !131
Nicolas Cadart authored
Nicolas Cadart authored
Nicolas Cadart authored
MLSPosesSmoothing filter was updating its input points and arrays. This can lead to segfault if the input we are trying to modify is also updated somewhere else (e.g. if it is the output of another filter). From now, the input PolyData is not modified anymore. This also adds the smoothed orientation to the output. Until now, it was only added to the input. Cleaning code.
MelanieCarriere authored
[Test] Add Test Helpers for stream options See merge request !129
- Oct 06, 2020
MelanieCarriere authored
This commit add function to test easily the Stream options in the plugin (multicast, forwarding, recording).
MelanieCarriere authored
Creation of two functions to factorize code.
- Oct 01, 2020
Nick Laurenson authored
When creating a new project, the project-level timeout has a default value of 1h. But the superbuild jobs can take more than 1h to complete, so a developper will need to MANUALLY change the project-level timeout. As the job-level timeout can exceed the project-level timeout, let specify it.
Lea Vauchier authored
- Sep 29, 2020
MelanieCarriere authored
Add default record file name See merge request !125
- Sep 28, 2020
MelanieCarriere authored